We are pleased to advise you that the above renewal of the entry call system shall commence on 2nd May 2017 for a period of 26 working weeks.

Melray Ltd has been awarded the contract to carry out the works.  For security purposes all workers will be wearing visual ID and branded clothing sating their company name Melray Ltd. Please note that the site office will be confirmed in due course nearer to the start date of the contract.

Listed below are numbers and names of key personnel who you may need to contact during the course of the works:

  1. The Site Agent and Contract Manager– Chris Liles:07973 666372 and Derek Rainbird: 07730 647519
  2. Resident Liaison Officer – Julie Friend:07850 603451 (Melray Ltd)
  3. The Clerk of Works – Danny Boud: 0208 871 8675 (Wandsworth Council)
  4. The Estate Manager – Sue Devine: 0207 622 7499 (Battersea Fields RMO)

Access will be required to all properties to install a new door entry handset, however, the contractor will advise all residents in advance. Normal working hours will be 08:00 – 17:00.

The contractor has been given a Wandsworth Complaints Book in which residents should enter any complaint about the work so that they can be checked by the Housing Department’s Clerk of Works on a daily basis. Please use this book as it serves as a permanent record of your comments and assists Council officers to resolve local problems with the contractor.

Ms S Devine

Resident Services Manager