The Board would like to invite all residents to attend the next General Meeting (GM) scheduled to take place on Monday 25th January 2016 at 7pm. in the Estate Office, Walden House. The AGM will give residents an opportunity to discuss any concerns they may have as to the running of the estate. We would ask that personal matters not be discussed in an open meeting as it is not the forum in which to do so. However, you will have an opportunity to meet with individual Board members and/or the Housing Manager following the meeting.
On closure of the meeting we would like to ask you to join us for light refreshments and have an opportunity to meet your neighbours and representatives of Battersea Fields ROL. If you are unable to attend but would like to put forward a question to the Board, you would be welcome to submit it to the Housing Manager by Wednesday 20th Januiary 2016 whom will ensure it is raised on your behalf at the AGM.
On behalf of the Board we look forward to seeing you at the meeting.